Fat Free Ice Cream!!

If you were expecting a scientific study that claims a huge mr whippy with a flake in is now fat-free, then sorry i have led you here under false pretense.
I was on pinterest the other day and came across a pin for fat-free banana soft whip ice cream! It looked gorgeous so i gave it a go! For some reason i had loads of bananas left in the fruit bowl so they came in handy here (i used to make banana cake with them! oops!) So if you are eating healthy, doing a clean eating diet, vegan or just fancy a healthy sweet dessert then give it a try!
For this recipe you will need…. as many bananas as you like, a freezer, and a blender. Thats it.
Chop all your bananas into chunks, put into a Tupperware tub or ziplock bag and stick them in the freezer. Overnight is probably best. frozen banana
One frozen, take out however much you want to use, i did about 1 1/2 bananas and blend for about 45 – 60 seconds. Dont over blend it but make sure it is at soft serve ice cream consistency.
blend This is about right.
So, i kept mine plain and me and my little boy shared it but i have seen other people add cocoa, peanut butter and other mix in’s after the blending stage but i wanted to keep mine fat-free!
You can also refreeze this to scoop out later but we liked it just as it was!
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